Codecademy Project New York, New York Source Code

The Function Project New York, New York from Codecademy. Answered by Michael Le.

New York, New York 5 : You’ve Arrived At Your Destination

Michael Le
Codecademy username: mikele
Javascript Function Project: New York, New York
New York, New York 5 : You've Arrived At Your Destination

// use taxiFare to set tripCost to the cost of your 
// ride covering 5 miles at 2 am in the morning
var tripCost = taxiFare(5,2);

// calculates taxi fare based upon miles traveled 
// and the hour of the day in military time (0-23).
   var taxiFare = function (milesTraveled, pickupTime) {

       var baseFare = 2.50;
       var costPerMile = 2.00;

     // 8pm to 6am, every night
       var nightSurcharge = 0.50; 

     // total cost
       var cost = baseFare + (costPerMile * milesTraveled);
     // add the nightSurcharge to the cost if it is after 
     // 8pm or before 6am
       if (pickupTime >= 20 || pickupTime < 6) 
           cost += nightSurcharge;
   return cost;