Codecademy Conditional Project Rock, Paper, Scissors Answer

Michael Le
Codecademy username: mikele
Javascript Conditional Project:
One Round of Rock, Paper, Scissors

//empty result string
var result = "";

var player = prompt("Pick rock, paper, or scissors.");

// If the player types "ROCK," the script needs to read 
// that the same as "rock", but only if player !== null!
if(player !==null)

var choices = ["rock","paper","scissors"];
var computer = choices[Math.floor(Math.random()*3)];

// Rewrite the strings in win, lose, and draw so they contain
// complete sentences stating the result.
var win = "Your "+player+" beats "+computer+". You win.";
var lose = "Your "+player+" loses to "+computer+". You lose.";
var draw = "A draw: "+player+" on "+computer+".";

//conditions of winning and losing
if(player === "rock"){
    if(computer === "scissors"){
        result = win;
    else if(computer === "paper"){
        result = lose;
    else if(computer === "rock"){
        result = draw;
else if(player === "paper"){
    if(computer === "rock"){
        result = win;
    else if(computer === "scissors"){
        result = lose;
    else if(computer === "paper"){
        result = draw;
else if(player === "scissors"){
    if(computer === "paper"){
        result = win;
    else if(computer === "rock"){
        result = lose;
    else if(computer === "scissors"){
        result = draw;

// player clicks cancel, the 'result' should equal "Bye!"
else if(player === null)
    result = "Bye!";
// If the player enters any other string, 'result' should 
// equal "I said rock, paper, or scissors!"
else if((player != "rock") || (player != "paper") ||
                            (player != "scissors"))
    result = "I said rock, paper, or scissors!";
