Best Way to Learn Ruby on Rails

I have been trying to build my skill set by learning Ruby on Rails, and so far I am happy with my progress. But there have been many people who have been asking me where to start, so I made a workflow for beginners. Knowing another programming language would be ideal such as C++, Java, Javascript, or Python. You can learn Javascript at Codecademy.

Learn Ruby first!

Try Rubyis one of the most recommended websites to learn about Ruby’s syntax. It is a 15 minute tutorial that teaches you the basics of Ruby syntax and the language.

Ruby Monk an interactive learning platform. It teaches Ruby idioms, programming lessons, and solve problems. Ruby Monk is actually my favorite of the two.

Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example

This is currently the book I’m using to learn Rails. You’ll find integrated tutorials not only for Rails, but also for the essential Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL skills you’ll need when developing web applications. You’ll also learn how to use git and learn about test driven development (TDD). It’s also free online.